Compound Calculator
The project consists of the original calculator, and the S and P 500 application of it. This page covers the application of the original investment calculator.
For the code, go to here
Basic Usage
The compound calculator, in runs on python 3.4 but has no dependencies.
The compound function takes 8 arguments, and 1 optional argument:
compund(A, alpha, infl, CGtaxes, dividends, divtaxes, fees, n,comma = True):
A: A function that takes one argument, the nth period, and gives back how much is entering the fund at the given period
alpha: A function that takes one argument, period n, and returns the interest rate at the given period
dividends: A function that takes the period, n, and returns the dividend yield percentage; as in the percentage of the total investment that is received in dividends
n: The amount of time compounding (number of periods)
infl: A function that takes one argument, n, and gives back how much inflation is that period
CGtaxes: A function that takes 3 required arguments:
s: The amount initially invested
e: The amount worth at the end
n: the current period
return the capital gains tax on that investment, in that particular period
divtaxes: A function that takes one argument, n, and returns the dividend taxes in the period
`comma(optional): if True, the returned number will be comma delimited All rates are to be given in the form of 1.06, for a rate of 6%.
All dividends are to be given in the form of .06, for a dividend of 6% of the initial investment
in the last year, no money is added, the money already compounding will continue to compound.
def contribution(n):
if n == 0:
return 100000
return 0
# return 5000 * (1.02 ** n)
def IR(n):
if n < 11:
return 1.04 + 4 * math.sin(n) / 100
return 1.065 + 4 * math.sin(n) / 100
def infl(n):
return 1.02
# capital gains taxes
# percent taxed on each contribution gains when sold (ALWAYS nominal) (assumes selling period at end of n periods)
# s = initial amount, e = end amount, n = specific period
def CGtaxes(s, e, n):
return 1.15
# dividends returned
def divs(n):
return .03
# rate at which dividends are taxed
def divtaxes(n):
return 1.15
# Fees paid in each period. This is calculated at returned percent times the current
# value of investments (as calculated for an ETF of index fund). Generally, a flat rate.
def fees(n):
return 1 - .0077
# Leaving comma=true, to return value formatted
v = compund(A = contribution, alpha = IR, CGtaxes=CGtaxes, fees=fees, n=40, infl = infl, dividends=divs, divtaxes=divtaxes)
# will return 848,004.78