I have built multiple web apps in the Django framework, mostly small ones hosted on AWS. Django is not taught at the University of Waterloo, even in the CS department.
- UWtext: This is my first big project, it's a website for aggregating textbook data and linking it to Facebook posts. It is built in Django/postgres, and hosted on AWS (EC2/EBS + RDS). Over the years I added some metrics on the data I gathered, and put it into a dashboard.
- Skimp.ca: This is my most recent project, it's a website that aggregates subletting data on Facebook (I find Facebook a good source of free data) and makes it easy to sift through. Hosted on AWS (EC2/EBS + RDS) with Django and postgres, I used python3.6 + tensor flow + keras/SciPy to build a machine learning model to categorize Facebook posts.
- Fintechinstitute: For my employer at Seed Sustainable, I helped build the website and hosted web server for fintechinstitute, a financial school. I implemented user login/AUTH and user token systems; unfortunately, the project was scrapped and never made it online. I did receive a letter of recommendation from my employer at Seed Sustainable, who is also one of my references.